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To start using eBTC SDK run the following command:

yarn add @ebtc/sdk

Getting Started

Utilizing the SDK requires an RPC provider:

import eBTC from '@badger-dao/ebtc-sdk';

const sdk = new eBTC({
provider: 'https://eth-archival.gateway.pokt.network/v1/lb/<APP_ID>',

const sdk = new eBTC({
provider: uiBasedInjectedProvider,

// wagmi example workaround

const provider = useProvider();
const { data: signer, isError, isLoading } = useSigner();

useEffect(() => {
if (!isLoading && !isError && signer) {
const sdk = new eBTC({
provider: provider as Web3Provider,
}, [signer]);

Example to open a CDP

* @param options Open transaction parameters
* Note: value override must be provided to supply collateral for initial open
* @returns Transaction status of submitted open operation

await ebtc.cdp.openWithHelper({
collateralAmount: 30, // stETH
borrowAmount: 2, //eBTC
maxFeePercentage: ethers.constants.WeiPerEther.div('1000').mul('5'),
overrides: {
gasLimit: 1000000,
onSubmitted: () => console.log('Submitted open position'),
onSuccess: ({ transaction }) => {
console.log('Opened CDP successfully');
onError: (e) => {
onRejection: () => console.log('User canceled the transaction'),

Example to run any GraphQL Query

const query = `
query cdpUpdateds($_cdpId: String!) {
cdpCreateds(where: { _cdpId: $_cdpId }, orderBy: blockNumber) {

const variables = {
_cdpId: '0x31c57298578f7508b5982062cfec5ec8bd34624700f64c130000000000000000',

const res = await ebtc?.graph.graphClient?.request(query, variables);

Example to call multiple contract for multicall

Making multiple calls using Promise.all

// All three requests are aggregated into a single RPC call
const [gasCompensation, minimumCollateralRatio, minimumDebt] = await Promise.all([

Methods can also be aggregated without using Promise.all, as long as there are no await in between calls.

const gasCompensationPromise = ebtc.cdp.borrowerOperations.EBTC_GAS_COMPENSATION();
const minimumCollateralRatioPromise = ebtc.cdp.getMinimumCollateralRatio();
const minimumDebtPromise = ebtc.cdp.borrowerOperations.MIN_NET_DEBT();

const gasCompensation = await gasCompensationPromise;
const minimumCollateralRatio = await minimumCollateralRatioPromise;
const minimumDebt = minimumDebtPromise;


To get started, install the following dependencies:

  • Node
  • Yarn

Run the following command:

yarn install --frozen-lockfile
yarn test


This repository only accepts verified commits. Commits can be signed using GPG keys. For more info, proceed to Managing Commit Signature Verification.

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